Reiki Healing Session - in person
In-person intuitive Reiki healing session
Service Description
Experience the mind, body, and spirit healing power of Reiki in a 75-minute session with intuitive Reiki practitioner Michele. Sound healing, aromatherapy, and crystals may be incorporated into your session. Upgrade your session with the PEMF mat (select appropriate pricing plan option at checkout). The mat combines the power of: *Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) to stimulate well-being, reduce inflammation, boost immune function, improve blood circulation, repair muscles, promote sleep, repair bones, as well as, counteract harmful exposure to electromagnetic smog. *Hot stone therapy to help relax and soothe your muscles. Amethyst emits a strong and steady flow of far infrared and negative ions and promotes better wellness and overall quality of life. Green jade helps the body function more efficiently by returning your energy and mood levels closer to normal and emits a low heat that produces a calming sensation good for relaxation and meditation. Black tourmaline produces the greatest amount of negative ions and improves the body’s ability to recover energy and detoxify itself. *Negative ion therapy that has positive effects on your wellness. They are nature’s purifiers—clearing your surroundings of harmful agents. They counteract positive ion disturbances, attract harmful airborne particles and pulls them to the ground, guide the body along a path of detoxification of excess waste, cleanse your mind and improve the quality of your wellness. *Far infrared therapy to manage pain. The invisible form of light commonly received from sunlight, far infrared rays are vital to human life. Rays penetrate 4-6 inches into the body’s tissues and can temporarily decrease pain, inflammation, and stiffness, as well as, temporarily increase localized blood circulation where applied. For a holistic healing experience, pair your Reiki session with a Mini-Spark coaching session using the Pricing Plan option to save.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please phone, text, or email at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your consideration.
Contact Details
24 New Foster Avenue, Billerica, MA, USA