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I was very emotional this morning.

On the verge of tears without really knowing why.

I went on with my morning.

Pushing past the feeling.

But it settled in.

And it got stronger while I was working on my blog post about “help.”

My lesson learned was that asking, needing, accepting help was not good.

It was a sign of weakness.

It meant you couldn’t handle things on your own.

It meant you weren’t good enough, strong enough, smart enough to take care of it yourself.

It meant you were a burden.

It put you in debt.

So, I rarely asked for or accepted help.

Then the tears came.

I asked them why they were there.

They responded that I put myself out there and asked for help this week.

Not an easy thing for me to do.

But it was important.

And the overall response was silence.

And not for the first time, when asking for some help.

And it hurt.

I tried not to take it personally.

I am certain no one intended to cause pain when they didn’t respond.

Everyone is busy.

We all have our own stuff to worry about.

We can’t possibly help everyone out there asking for help.

But how often do we ignore a request for help that would be easy to accommodate?

Maybe we simply set it aside for a more convenient time that never arrives.

Maybe we feel self-conscious and think that what we have to offer isn’t what the other person is looking for.

Maybe we’re afraid to put ourselves out there.

Maybe we think they're not talking to us.

Maybe we think it’s not our problem.

Maybe we think it doesn't matter that much.

Maybe we think it isn't important.

Maybe we think someone else will help.

Maybe we think we have more important things to do.

Maybe we believe that people should take care of themselves.

Maybe we just don’t care.

I am offering this to you today to let you know that it matters.

When someone asks for help, it matters to them if you respond.

Just imagine putting yourself out there, asking for help, and no one comes.

Please offer help when you can, in whatever way you can.

It will always be worth it.

Even if only to let that person know they are not alone.

From my heart to yours,

You are never alone with me around.

If you need help, please ask, and I will do whatever I can for you.

Until next time…




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