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A Cleansing

What happens when you start to strip away the things that do not serve your highest good?

The first step on my spiritual journey was not deliberate. As I began to release the things that were holding me back, though, I found myself on this path, with each step leading me to the next. I was armed with nothing more than faith and a willingness to forge ahead into the unknown, remaining unattached to each stop along the way because, as I have found, I am continually moving forward. Everything is essential, however. Each step is required to lead me to the next, and as I get further along, all of the pieces are beginning to fall into place. Every seemingly separate piece, I’ve come to learn, is actually a part of the whole.

Detoxing is for more than just your body. Your soul can be detoxed as well.

Eliminating the thing that made me feel numbly comfortable in my skin was the first step. I stepped forward, having no idea the impact my choice to give up alcohol would have. I’ve spoken about my decision to stop drinking before. I’ve talked about the shame, guilt, and self-loathing it caused. I have talked about the feelings drinking helped to suppress so they could continue torturing me long past their due date. I took maybe the bravest step of my life and, as a result, was able to move forward clearer and stronger than I have ever been before.

When you face a demon, it gives you the courage to start hunting the others that torment you.

Next, I squared off against my fear of the unknown. I faced my fear of change. I left a job that, while providing “security,” provided no soul nourishment whatsoever. I replaced my fear with hope and took another brave step forward. To quote Pink, “I looked fear in the face and said, I just don’t care.”

Then things really began to move quickly. I replaced the indoors with the outdoors and spent a good deal of my time in nature. I discovered my oneness with all living things. This stop along the way cracked me wide open. This period of time is what I would call “the awakening.” I now had strength and courage enough to face the scariest of my demons. I began to battle them, one by one. Each victory led me to the next battle. Had I attempted this at any other time of my life, I would have failed miserably, which is why it was never presented to me as an option. But now, I was ready and able. I knew I wasn’t alone. I was lovingly supported. I continue this work to this day, challenging a lifetime of imprints that do not serve the person I am at my core.

I have cleansed so much from my spirit…

Unworthiness, perfectionism, pessimism, and skepticism, among others.

Still, other issues are a work in progress…

Control, comparison, expectations, and more.

I continue to take each step as it comes. I push through the times when it seems impossible to keep moving forward. I cherish the times when the wind is at my back. And I look forward to each time I can help someone with their journey because I know I didn’t go through all of this not to share.

My go-to prayer is to please send unconditional love out. Wherever you are on your journey, I send you love.

Until next time…


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